Is It Fair To Say Email Marketing Is Irrelevant Now?
Is It Fair To Say Email Marketing Is Irrelevant Now?
Numerous people are discussing this topic and everyone has a different opinion. Numerous small and medium-sized business organizations are investing their money in digital marketing. Their primary goal is to gain more visitors, improve their brand’s image, and boost sales. Every business is thriving to gain profit and digital marketing promises impressive ROI.
You may probably know, digital marketing involves a variety of techniques and email marketing is one of them. While SEO is still an integral part of any digital marketing campaign, many people hesitate in investing email marketing. Is it still relevant or ineffective in today’s business scenario? Let’s know what the most recent statistics reveal.
What do the stats say?
These statistics may surprise you! Over 102.6 trillion emails are sent every year across the globe. The experts believe that this number will grow very rapidly and new statistics will astonish every person who thinks email marketing is dead!
Now you would like to reveal who is sending such a large number of emails and who is reading all those emails? Over 90% of adults in the USA alone use email for official and other conversations. The stats also reveal that three out of four teenagers are enjoying email conversations. Even though social media has a huge impact on the way people communicate, the importance of email communication did not reduce. The stats will be more surprising if you go to reveal how people use email services across the globe.
So, it is clear that email is not totally vanished. Even though people rely more on social networking platforms, they also use email for conversation. That proves business can still trust email marketing as a reliable digital marketing technique and invest in it.
The most impactful email marketing practices for impressive results in 2019:
Yes, email marketing is still impactful but the way of executing email marketing plans is thoroughly changed. You cannot succeed if you are buying email address lists online and using those lists to send promotional emails. Such stunts do not work in today’s time.
Many digital marketing agencies try such stunt and they fail to get a positive response. It can work only if you know you are sending emails to a genuine user. There are many ways through which you can acquire the real email ID of the targeted customers. You can use discount deals and other freebies to lure the target audience for a subscription. That’s how you can collect their real email IDs.
People do not like to read bot generated messages. A brand that constantly sends machine generated emails quickly finds itself in the spam box. The modern email marketing practice requires every email to be personalized. You can add the customer’s name in the mail to greet them and then convey your promotional message.
You can also monitor what a particular customer is looking for and then send product specs and suggestions related to their searches. Many big brands are using this tactic when they send promotional emails. It works pretty well and helps them in making more sales.
Email marketing is more powerful than ever before because of changed email marketing practices. You just need to ensure that you are not annoying your target customers. Do not send regular emails and provide useful details in every email to make sure your customers will open all the sent emails. That’s how you can maintain a strong relationship with the customers and lure many new customers. Email marketing is still relevant and it has just got better with time. So, you can invest in this digital marketing tactic to entertain the existing customers and also to boost the conversion rate.